
June 27th, 2020




Like I know it's a magic thing, but how do we know all of this... magic and Dreams and everything isn't somehow the planet's way of... warning us of something, or defending herself?




So my dreams have gotten even more interesting. Other than being part Fey and part Shadowhunter, Mark and I are now being raised by our father, which is where the Shadowhunter part comes from. We're being raised as Shadowhunters, which includes a lot of training in hand to hand combat and weapons and learning about different demons. It's a lot to train kids to do, but it's something we'll need as we get older.

I got my first Rune in my dream last night, which looks like an eye on the back of our hand. It's called a Voyance rune and it enhances our ability to see the Shadow World. When I woke up this morning, it was actually on my hand. Mark got his a few weeks ago, I was starting to wonder when I'd get mine.