
June 8th, 2020




It's coming up on a year since I made the move here. It doesn't seem that long as it truly feels like the move was just yesterday.

Time really does fly as you get older.




Nearly six months I go without a Dream. I thought I was done with the fucking things, but no, now I get to wake up smelling like a goddamn house fire. I think I might've inhaled a fair amount of smoke, too.

God, would it ever be nice if these things would just leave me alone already.

Private to D )




This Friday night at seven at Crescent Yoga Studio, Hot Yoga is back!

The classes will fill up quickly, those with membership get first dibs.

But if you don't have one, classes will be 55 dollars for the whole month.

Also sunrise beach yoga, will be starting once again on the 13th. Come start your weekend out right with nature and centering yourself.




Got invited to a pretty fun Pride celebration last night by a few guys I've done some modeling with here. That was a lot of fun and is getting me excited for the big Pride parade here soon. Definitely going to drag Helen out with me and maybe I'll ask my dad if I can bring some of the kiddos with.

Although, I do have to figure out some good makeup to cover up this rune that decided to appear on my skin after I dreamt about it. Why we have to put this rune on the back of our hand I will never understand, but it is what it is.




Now that I've had some time to process it and my ribs to stop screaming so loudly I'm ready to share my Okay there’s overprotective parents and then there’s my Dad in the Dreams. We aren’t allowed to step foot outside of the house if we aren’t sure we’ll be able to get back through the door by dark. Not even to take out the trash because he will lock us out. Without any protection from the monsters he’s sure is out there because...I can’t even begin to try to figure out his logic with it. But I did manage to guilt our mom there into helping us convince him to go to Emma’s recital even though it won’t even start until after sundown. Of course she was amazing, never a doubt in my mind there or here that she would be, but by the end of it I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty over how bad Dad was freaking out so I volunteered to go get Emma from backstage, and when we got back to our parents Dad tells me that if I see anything I’m to pick up Emma, run back inside and get help but we get to the car no problem because of course there’s nothing there.

There are two routes home - one of which takes us past a cemetery and Dad doesn’t want to go there but the other goes through construction and gets us stuck out in the dark for even longer so he agrees to the cemetery way reluctantly. And that’s where he freaked out and grabs the wheel from mom and the vehicle flips over and I lost consciousness. Who ever guessed that could happen in a dream right? Blacking out that way.

When I came to in the Dream I was still in that car and mom was cut up, Em was beside me with a broken neck and my Dad….our Dad had been thrown through the window and there were three men surrounding him and I have never wished that I could force myself awake from a dream before in my life because this is the image that haunts me now. They weren’t men - they were the monsters he kept warning us about.They had to be because they started eating him and then I blacked out again.