
April 4th, 2020




So, turning into a boy is basically like quarantining again - I've told work I'm sick so I can work from home on things. I leave to go do things outside, but my coworkers definitely don't need to see me like this.

I'm also falling down Asian drama rabbit holes. Ugh.




Could there be better circumstances for introductions? Sure, but when fate or what have you has other plans, it's best to just go with it. That said, I'm Bill and I'm usually a few decades older than this fresh baby face.

While I'm here, let me just apologize to any of you who have had to deal with my overly enthusiastic nerdy other half, Stanford Pines. He's full of questions but harmless, I swear. Don't bother telling him he's weird either, it'll have zero effect as he already knows and embraces his weirdness. Just toss a Rubik's cube and he'll get distracted long enough to make an escape.




So all this stuff going on, and me being in side more than usual...I realized something very important about myself.

I am so fucking boring when I don't have other people around. Like daaaaaamn. I don't really have hobbies. I thought at first, cool, I can build things ...but I build things for a LIVING so that's not a hobby. Then I thought okay, I can paint. Again, work stuff.

I have no legitimate hobbies. I don't really read. I play video games sometimes but that's like a 'get high/drunk' activity ...

I need suggestions. And it can't be complicated or involve reading.