
March 1st, 2020




[Filtered away from Mabel, Wendy & Uncle Ford]

That moment when the girl you had THE biggest crush on when you were in college together turns up in the OC still looking as amazing as ever and you're suddenly reduced to a total idiot who apparently can't form words.

Christ, I can't even- So embarrassing.

Kill me please.




So update on whether or not I'm going to start training with the Fire Department, the answer is yes, yes I am. It all kicks off in the next couple weeks so wish me luck?

I think I'm going to need it but it'll definitely be worth it.





So, you never did tell me how the rest of that Uber trip went, spill.

Think we can get away for a couple days in the next few weeks, think I could do with a break from Orange County for a bit.

So, how's the PA job going?

New club opening tomorrow night. I have a plus one, you interested?

Feels like a while since we last hung out, we should remedy that - what you up to this weekend?

Thanks again for the other night, I definitely needed it and it was good just to forget.




Hi, my name is Clarke and I happened to randomly stumble upon this group when I was looking up something else and of course I became curious about what everyone was saying about Orange County. I mean, I've been here for awhile, but I was still expecting people to be asking things like where's the best place to buy gluten-free avocados or other crazy California things like that, but I was surprised to find people just talking about their lives and stuff. I might stick around for a little while to see what else people post about.




I just got woken up by an incessant beeping sound and at first I thought it was my phone or something until I got out of bed and this droid from my dreams rammed itself into my fucking calves. In the dark! Seriously? He seems really happy to see me, but I have no idea what he's trying to say.

All I know is that he's called BB-8 and is my astromech from my most recent dreams and somehow I can understand him in my dreams, but I can't here.

Now what do I do with a droid?