
January 5th, 2020




So, who else still has their Christmas decorations up? Alex wants to take ours down soon, but I just hate doing it. It always makes the apartment feel so empty, which is funny since it's mostly the tree that takes up any significant room. I told her though, that if she lets us keep them up for another week, I'll take it all down myself with my super speed and she won't have to lift a finger. I think she likes that idea.




How interesting. Not only have I not had any dreams since early last year, but those dreams all took place in the 21st Century; the one I just had took place all the way back in 1002 AD. My siblings and I were in France, fleeing from our father, which is appears we did for some time. I was growing more and more disgusted with everyone's eating habits and wanted to split up, but Elijah didn't seem to think that was a good idea. At some point we killed some nobles and Rebekah suggested we take their clothes and pose as them. It turns out when we killed the nobles, we missed a servant who had been sent to bring them to a nearby castle and we used him to help us pass as nobles.

Since it's us, I can only assume this is going to go wrong very quickly and very spectacularly.




So. Who is good with a knife and has a strong stomach?