
August 28th, 2019




So I guess yesterday was like National Dog Day and I was going to share a picture of Dragon, but I never ended up finding the time. So, it's a day late, but this is Dragon and I'm so grateful to my ex for letting me keep him when we broke up.

Dragon )

I also signed up for EMT training that starts in October. I'm looking forward to finally having a plan for my life.




This is potentially an unpopular musical opinion, but I'm sitting here watching Grease 2 on tv, and I always thought it was kind of underrated. I don't know, Cool Rider is kind of catchy, and the leads were both really hot... I can understand it not being as iconic as the original, but I never thought it deserved to be as universally hated as it seems to be.




I'm glad we got to take a vacation before we had to go back to classes, and I'm really glad Armin's grandad loaned us the money. He insisted it was a gift, but I'd feel really bad about not paying him back. He already does so much for us... And I'm glad V petsat for us while we were on the other side of the country. Although from some of the pictures she texted us? I'm pretty sure we owe her new houseplants. And a phone charger. I should have warned you about Mopsy...




I'm not gonna lie, I'm completely bloody obsessed with Taylor Swift's You Need to Calm Down. I'm fairly certain I'm annoying the others at my office because whenever it comes on I insist that someone turns it up. I've never really been the biggest Taylor Swift fan, in the past, but recently I've liked most of the songs she's released.




I had wondered why a lot of you seemed to be so invested in your dreams, but I think I've figured it out. I'm generally pretty good at remembering my dreams, but this one felt more like a memory than anything else. It wasn't anything special, just a conversation with my mother which I'm sure I must have had here when I was a kid too, except we were living in Roswell, New Mexico (yes, that Roswell).

It was actually really nice. I miss having conversations like that with her.




As much as we have loved the time alone together in the Bahamas, we have missed the girls and our pets so much. We haven't been on the network much while we were on our Honeymoon, since we promised each other we wouldn't. So curious what we're going to be coming back to California to? It's been a while since the OC has decided to ...be the OC and I just want to make sure everything is still standing.




I had a Dream again last night. It's been awhile, and I think Tama's ahead of me. So I was wondering when I was going to have one again.

This time it was a little kid trying to join the Host Club, because he wanted to learn how to make girls happy. Sounds adorable in theory, right? But this kid is an absolute terror and goes about insulting all of us and all of our guests. I go to spy on him to find out why he's even trying to join our club and... it looks like it's a specific girl who is moving, and he wants to tell her how he feels before she leaves.

Turns out the abandoned music room we have our meetings in is an actual music room, and there is a piano. Who knew? And Tamaki convinces him to play a duet with the girl.

All I have to say is, why do I always have to wear a wig whenever the club decides to play cupid? Can it be someone else's job next time?




Well shit. I haven't been this drunk in years. Great celebration on Monday with the boys, a lady friend, and some of my old Marine and PD buddies showed up! Lost count of how many whiskey bottles everyone got me. I was hungover all day yesterday, slept most of the day. Still feelin' it a bit today.

...what day is it exactly?