
July 25th, 2019




It bloody figures that right after Cosima leaves, in the waking world, she goes off in the dreams to find her cure. And then Sarah goes off to find Cosima and of course it all has to do with Rachel. We're trusting that Rachel won't double cross us, which is not the smartest plan we've had, but we have no choice. I hate it when we have no choice.

And then Adele is asking questions that I can't answer if I want to keep her safe, but it's difficult when she's now met Sarah, Alison and Helena and even I know that telling her that they're triplets is bloody mad considering they all have different accents, but what else am I supposed to do? And then Krystal shows up again and when we tell her she's a clone she doesn't believe us even with Sarah standing right there!

I honestly don't know how dream!me handles all of this without cracking. Oh yes, I know how, he drinks and self medicates.




I must say that I have never been so confused, or potentially concerned, as when I hear my wife in the other room scream "This is it, I'm ending this relationship." I haven't done anything warranting that being directed at me that I am aware of.




[Selfie taken of Tony in his Iron Man Suit, somewhere up in the sky]

This is a thing. It happened. Don't worry; Not selfie-ing and flying, moms.




Ended up over in one of the other spider-verses again, hanging out with a different Spider-woman, Jessica Drew.

I like her attitude and she had good advice, even if I'm pretty sure her costume is like, literally body paint it's that skin hugging.

There's gotta be more than one superhero costume designer right?




Okay, I’ve just about had it with this stroll down memory lane that my dreams seem to be intent on. Although I do have a lot better taste in guys here than my dreamSelf seems to, judging by the first boyfriend she ever had. If you’re going to have long hair - take care of it. No one actually likes the greasy hair look.




So... we're buying a house. I mean, technically, Nico and Hazel's dad is buying a house, he's just putting it in Nico's name. But we're hopefully moving out of our apartment soon, to somewhere the dogs have room to run around and play. It's not ours yet, there's still details to be worked out. But... we've started the process. Which means we're also going to have to start the process of actually moving. Last move wasn't so bad, since we moved in from the dorms. And just gradually brought everything from our parents' houses in. This is going to be our first actually big move. And hopefully also our last, because we're actually going to have a house.

It still doesn't feel real yet.