
July 19th, 2019




I am getting super annoyed with spam bots blowing my phone up. No matter how many numbers I block, there's still just as many each day as there was the last. Part of me wants to just keep my phone on silent to avoid them, but what if it's my parents, my boss, Alice, people I actually want to talk to?

And why do they have to blow my phone up when I'm trying to sleep? I have a month left of vacation before I go back to working towards two degrees. I'm not blowing your phones up in the middle of...

...You know what, is anyone here good at hacking? So we could figure out who owns these spam bots and give them the same wakeup calls?




I'm feeling the 80's today. I need a great 80's playlist for my salon.

Give me all the greatest hits - GOOOOO!




Jesus fucking christ. My dreams so far had been tamed, training. Nothing too intense or insane until last night. Fucking laptop, I'm so glad I got rid of that shit.


Fucking laptop.