
June 7th, 2019




[Filtered away from the Sons of Ipswich]

So, I need some advice from the hivemind. My friends are now on the network and obviously that means they're going to start Dreaming. Should I warn them in advance or just wait for them to start Dreaming? I'm not sure if one is better than the other and I'm not sure if they would believe me if I try to tell them what we Dream about.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




Oh they are going to be so pissed when they read that note from housing. Since part of the reason I’m staying on campus this summer is the cheer camp I’m working at, the university decided to house some of the girls in the sorority house with me in the empty rooms. Is it wrong of me to want to pop popcorn to watch their heads explode at the thought of these girls sleeping in their beds?