
April 23rd, 2019




I kind of miss Paris. But I think I gained ten pounds. Back to the gym with me I guess.

How do you feel about potentially becoming the owner of many sweets?




You know anyone who says the customer is always right has never met a bloody customer. On the whole, customers are a demographic of the population that are statistically more likely to be wrong than any other. And sometimes when they're not trying to do returns that are out of policy they're just arseholes.

What kind of jerk leaves a bad review on the internet because I didn't want to take his number and let him take me out on a date when he's done nothing but mouth breathe and stare at me creepily for a week as he hovered by the checkout? He's lucky I didn't punch him in the throat.




Just a general PSA to everyone on here who frequents Disney. Just because you see your favorite character’s last guest is finished with their photo session and has left the area - doesn’t mean you just run up there - You need to wait for their handler to call for the next guest and then come up.

Sometimes the character is going on break or they just need a minute. Or the handler isn’t expecting you and thinks you might be a threat. And since they are responsible for their character friends safety...you could end up getting hurt.




Alright Valarnet - the venue we were supposed to be playing took some damage in the earthquakes but the guys and I talked about it and we don't want to cancel the show. We figured now more than ever everybody could use a distraction and what's better than a concert for that right? Only difference is - we're doing it for free entirely. Just asking everybody to bring something they can donate to the food bank or to a fund to help with rebuilding after the quakes. The concert is now going to be at new venue name this Saturday. And after the show Glass House is going to be hanging out for a while with anybody who wants to chill.




I don’t know what Eren was thinking when he handed me the necklace to put my ring on a few months ago. He should have known that I wasn’t ever giving him back that key. It’s caused so many questions in our dreams and with it showing up here? He’s not getting it back. If he ever finds the door it fits I want to be there when he goes in.




While I am loathe to share my wife with the rest of the world, I do look forward to celebrating our marriage amongst friends.

That is if the reception even happens. I think my dear wife has scared almost everyone involved with the preparations off with the amount of times she has changed her mind about trivial things. I never thought there could be so much indecision over linens and especially since both options look white to me. But whatever my wife wants, she shall have.




And another happy doomsday survival to you all!

Like before, I offer heavily discounted repairs for one and all.

Think of Peter when your shit is all f*cked up.