
April 18th, 2019




I had another weird dream about being fighting people naked. Who are also naked. Which is something that the psychology department would have a field day with, I’m sure. But then ...the dream shifted. I was losing this weird nude kickboxing tournament and collapsed. And then all of a sudden Armin and Mikasa are there, holding me to their chests and crying with Armin holding my hand, our fingers intertwined. I’m back in the Dream world, but that isn’t possible? I died in them. Got eaten by one of the titans. I really don’t understand how I’m dreaming about it now.

When I woke up, my 3dmg, the gear we swing from buildings and trees with as well as fight the titans with, was at the foot of the bed.

I really don't understand what's going on. Can you ...undie in the Dreams?




I woke up covered from head to toe in blood.

My dreams...I...




This is a bad time to own a bar called Purgatory.




Alright, I haven't been too bothered by the crazies out there until we've had to break up a literal riot at one of the stores.

They threw water bottles at us in protest, then someone else would snatch it up to take to their hoard. There are no more on the shelves and I can't demand they bring more out of the back because there isn't anymore. This is black fucking Friday on bottled water. It's a real thing.

By the way, getting hit with them draws blood. Ten arrests and a huge headache later I can finally sit and do paperwork. It's going to be a long day - again.




Thinking of signing up for some dating sites. How's this for my bio?

cut for image )




A Warlock, a vampire and a werewolf become imprisoned in Edom...

No, that's not the beginning of a bad joke, it's my first dream in quite some time. Alexander and I moved back here a year ago and that's the first dream I've had since. I knew Meliorn turned out to be a dirty traitor, but I hadn't expected that he was going to bring us to Sebastian in Edom of all places. I can only guess that this is not going to have a good outcome.

In other news, I decided to create a tunnel of sorts from our living room, upstairs, to mine & Alec's offie in the club so that Chairman Meow can come down when I'm working in the office. He always seems perturbed that we've left him alone for hours when we come up at the end of the night so now he doesn't have to be alone if he doesn't want to.




Naturally, gathering together the power of these Sith ghosts would require some effort, but I was side-tracked in my quest by the Empire needing my services.

I was sent to destroy a target at the Foundry, only to discover this target was Darth Revan, the Jedi-turned-Sith-turned-Jedi who'd provided a great deal of inspiration to me. My strike team overpowered them, and yet they escaped. How they survived for three hundred years is a mystery I'd pay a great deal to have solved.

It was, at least, a very nice distraction from the ghosts in my head driving me insane. However, I am now on the track of a ritual that should heal my mind and allow me to control this power.

In other news, I discovered my Starship while I was hiking this afternoon. It's rather utilitarian in nature and I will have to do some serious redecoration to make the interior livable, but it is formidable in combat and has a very long range.

Although... The incredibly comfortable bed can stay.




It figures that Aiden and I are on the evil side in my dreams. And now I have a better idea of what exactly is going on, but it still sucks that we're on the opposing team. Then again, there's also something bigger going on than what we're a part of. At least we don't have anything to do with all those murders, except Boyd's.