
December 29th, 2018




I had a conversation with someone at the theater yesterday about New Year's Eve traditions. She says in Denmark they smash plates, which was quite interesting.

In my family we have a few. We eat 1 apple (to symbolize the year) and 12 grapes (to symbolize each month), while making wishes or saying what we hope for each month in the new year. Mamá will also set aside a bucket of dirty water to throw out the front door.

What are your traditions?




So this is my own little corner of the internet, huh? If I had a therapist, they'd probably say it's good for me to have my own outlet or some shit.

Fuck that. All I need is music, sweet music. I'm Peter, by the way, and I'm looking for music recs. Maybe if I put it out there, the magic of the internet can help update my iPod.

Hit. Me. Up.




Anyone else staying in for New Years?

I have Ben and Jerry's in my freezer, and absolutely no plans besides eating it and watching about a billion movies. (Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still it'll be a lot.)




So, yesterday would have been Stan Lee's 96th birthday. Am I the only one who's still pretty much in mourning? T___T

May he Rest in Peace. The man gave the world so many things! Good comics, from which they made amazing television and movies. And he had such a great sense of humor! I only wish that I can make such a positive impact on so many lives!

I watched one of the movies based on his comics yesterday. Did anyone else remember him and his birthday yesterday?