
November 25th, 2018




It's like the ugly ducking, but with turkeys!




I am looking forward to Cyber Monday. I don't do the Black Friday sales at all. I can't stand the huge lines, and for some reason it's never anything I'm so desperate for.

Anyone else ready to hit the online shops?




What a rather interesting network this is.

I am Lomea Kallig, state senator for district 37.

Ask me anything.




There is a giant wall around Seattle in my dreams. No one allowed in or out. Why do I feel like my dreams are becoming a bad foreshadowing of real life?




I know exactly why I won’t be making the crossover into acting - I enjoy food too much to ever agree to just eat rabbit food. Or pizza with a knife and fork. I’d rather be a healthy weight for my frame than skinny because I practically starved myself. Now that I’ve confessed that - anyone feel up to joining me for dinner tonight? I’m thinking beers, cheeseburgers and onion rings. Or fries. Or maybe both.




My dog decided to randomly go after a squirrel today when I took her out for a walk and she got away from me then came across a skunk. Suffice to say, the skunk won and now Fleetfoot is out in the yard while we figure out exactly what the best course of action is now.