
October 14th, 2018




Why are weekends so short...




I have a list of different places and recommendations that I look for every place I go. This thing just makes getting those requests a little bit easier truth be told.

So, tell me, Orange County, where's the best coffee place? Where's the best bar and what do people do to relax around here?

And if anyone knows a place that's hiring, maybe shoot me a line?




After working on the club, Pandemonium, the grand opening will on Halloween Night!

Drinks, music, a dance floor and some live entertainment throughout the night!

Costume not required but where’s the fun in that?

Club will be 18+ but no drinks for minors, those are the rules.

The fun begins 8pm and how until the club closes!




I want to go see Goosebumps 2. Really bad. I loved the first movie--oh!! Is there anywhere that's doing a double feature?? Anyone else interested??




Uggghhhhh, I'm so sick. :( . Terence brought home a Nintendo Switch, and I've been too sick to play. Feverish and coughing up one lung after the other... :( Boooo.

I better be feeling better by Halloween. Being sick is awful. :(

Does anyone have any go-to Netflix movies to watch or shows to binge when I'm laid up?




I really do owe Mina a huge thanks for encouraging me to audition for our school’s production of Heathers instead of just going to the auditions to support her because...I GOT THE PART OF HEATHER C! And any little bit of guilt I might have felt over it, because I know that was the other part Mina wanted, is completely alleviated because she did encourage me to go out for it and she got the part she really wanted anyway. I’m trying to think of the last time she and I got to work together and I think it was that commercial a few years ago. Mina - we were way overdue for a project together.

Private to therapists/psychiatrists
I thought going through the network might be the best way to find someone to help me work through my...experience. Prior to my son being born I was...taken by a group that was trying to get to his father through me. Through us. They held me for a few days and...I thought I could do this but I can’t. I think I’d feel more comfortable discussing what all happened face to face if you have any openings available.




So Dream!Michael is back to trying to protect everyone. Or I guess still since he never quits trying to. Whichever - he’s finally figured out a way to keep Claire safe when she’s on campus since he can’t leave the house: Shane. He doesn’t work right now so it’ll be easy for him to go with her and sit in on her classes. Makes perfect sense right? Until somebody managers to spill battery acid on her during one of the classes because he apparently didn’t realize they were up to something until after they started tipping it over her. Luckily she wasn’t hurt too badly because he did act quickly.

But then he decided to find a more permanent way to protect her - he made a deal with that fucking asshole Brandon to let him feed twice in order to keep his...pets from attacking Claire anymore. And the fact that he made Brandon promise not to drain him completely is supposed to make me okay with this. And as if all of this isn’t crazy enough - we find out the vampires are apparently looking for some book and Claire decides she’s going to fake it.

We’re all going to get killed by the time this is done. And yeah even though I’m a ghost already in them, I’m pretty sure that’s going to include me.



Private filter to Harley Quinn

Hey, so you're one of the Dream Psychologists right?