
September 4th, 2018




So the villain in my dreams and real life has started giving me gifts. A bracelet, a dress, now some drawing of me and a horse. I think dream!me is starting to soften towards him, but real!me still hates him. It's very frustrating.

Anyone else hate someone from their dreams that their dreamself doesn't?




Well, that's the last time I get into a drinkin' contest. This badass alien physique might be able to hold its liquor pretty damn well to a point, but the hangovers are a bitch.




Of course the one person in my dreams I hate more than myself, some blonde named Lucius Malfoy, is hosting the meeting for all of us to discuss our next move following the Headmaster’s death. And no before anyone asks I have no clue why I hate Lucius Malfoy so much there. And I have never met him here so I can’t even judge by that. I really just want to see the entire lot of us who have sworn to follow...Voldemort thrown in a bottomless pit.