
July 20th, 2018




I had the weirdest dream last night. It was my first day of school, but I was in high school. Ugh. Who would want to live that over again?

Plus, I'm a very awkward high schooler. What is my subconscious trying to tell me??




After Kurt’s doctor’s appointment, where he got a clean bill of health thank God or Logan’s genes probably, we decided to just make a day of being out and went by the campus so I could talk to the registar about signing up for classes this fall. And finding out if there was any sort of daycare available and the answer was yes to both! So starting this fall I’m back at Chapman in classes and Kurt will be being his adorable self in their daycare on the days he’s not being watched by other people.


And I realized after I signed him up I should probably have talked to you about it first. It just seemed like the best idea since I have to go back to classes and you have work. And I don’t want to leave him with my mom every day. If you want I can pull him out but we'll still have to figure out the daycare situation.


Please please please go with me when I have to tell my mom that I’m not leaving the baby with her when I start classes back up? Daddy won’t go and she’s less likely to throw a fit over it if there’s a witness. Or at least less likely to throw a huge fit. She really wasn’t happy when she found out that I hadn’t called her about his having a doctor’s appointment today to ask her to take us. I can drive my car again so I’m going to drive!