
June 28th, 2018




I love my baby

Image )




Been married a month.

Got to say I kinda like it.

I'm Commander Shepard and Callisto is my favorite wife on the Citadel.




You know, I'm still only partially convinced that there's something to this whole dream thing. I could've just gotten so drunk I don't remember getting this tattoo on my arm. But considering it's the same mark I have in the dreams, it's probably not a coincidence.

So, I'm a Valkyrie, apparently. Kind of like in Norse mythology, but in my dreams they're more protectors of Asgard than choosers of the slain or whatever. Plus, I am about as non-Norse-looking as you could get.




I'm happy to announce that Fangtasia should be opening at the end of July. When I first moved here I had hoped that our new club would be open by now, but I hadn't expected it to take so long to find the perfect location. And yes, for anyone who saw the post about my dreams, I decided to use the name of my bar in my dreams for this one as well. I thought it sounded interesting.