
April 24th, 2017




The grand opening of Afterlife will happen on Friday May 12th. If you're looking for a nightclub with a different kind of flare, this is the place. However, it is a 21+ establishment, at least the part that is a strip club. The nightclub part with the live music and dancing is 18+. It'll be a party to remember, so long as everyone behaves themselves, I won't have to kick you out.

[Private to Garrus and Shepard]

You two have graced Omega in my dreams now. Suppose this means trouble's brewing, considering I know about the Collectors.

Also in dream-related news, my biotics seem to be starting to manifest. Which leads me to ask about the impending turning asari and needing to disguise myself when that happens. I have no intention of getting lynched by the masses. And I doubt anyone really wants to see me use biotics against said lynchers.



Filtered away from Rey and SW non-punctured/able

So...Star Wars Celebration was interesting.




It seems that my brother's wife is as delightful in my dreams as she is outside of them. Which is to say not at all. Of course, ruining the table by cracking it in half was perhaps not the right way to handle the situation, but my emotions got the better of me. Luckily, my brother was understanding and I offered to buy him a new table.




It seems the dreams, though they have been silent, have chosen to leave me some things as of late. At first it was blueprints for my one man flying vessel, and now it seems I've woken to find in my backyard a rather large pile of materials meant to build it. I get the feeling, however, there may not be enough here for completion...

I suppose I cannot complain of a lack of personal projects.




There is something wrong with my armor. I went to go move it out of the closet and I'm not sure, but I think something short circuited. The EMP enhancement went off and now I need to get new electronics. Again.

Going to have to use my helmet for communication for a little bit, I think. I also hope it didn't effect everyone else in the building like it did last time.




Wow, so this month has been pretty amazing for science! I've been buried in research papers and marking and it's been great! I've used the same source for all the articles because it was easier for here but this is great! Have a look if you get a chance!

Astronomers Capture the Fireworks of Stars
Earth-like planet with atmosphere discovered 39 light years from Earth
Fast radio Bursts definitely come from outer space
Hubble snaps awesome image of Jupiter during it's closest approach to Earth
First Image of black hole might have been snapped
Enceladus confirmed to have hydrothermal activity making it one of the best places for life beyond Earth
Meet DeeDee, one of the potential dwarf-planets of the outer solar system
See the asteroid that sped past Earth on the 19th
Cassini starts its final manoeuvres

I'll be watching the Cassini probe with interest as it makes its final decent into Saturn's atmosphere of the next few months. Who knows what data it'll send back as it explores new parts of the planet!

Lastly and just because I thought it was pretty cool, wanna see what an earthquake looks like underwater?

God I love science!




It's kind of weird. Finally being twenty-one. Like everyone makes such a big deal about it, but it doesn't feel any different. I mean, I don't really drink, so I don't go out clubbing or anything like that. It also means I've been here a lot longer than it feels like I have. I came out here when I was sixteen and now I'm twenty-one. So much has happened since I first came here and even though I still haven't actually found my father, I'm glad I moved out here.




Okay, show of hands, who actually got a Unicorn Frapp over the weekend? I'm not ashamed to say that I had two during the time they were available. I know some people thought they were disgusting, but I thought they were really good. I like sour things, so I didn't mind the change to tart at the end.