
February 22nd, 2017




Perhaps I should not be as amused as I am at just how peturbed my dream counterpart is that there are women in the Aerial Corps, though it's difficult not to poke a little fun at him. I've served with enough women who were more than capable at their job that his reaction seems to me to be entirely unnecessary. I suppose I can understand how it might be a shock to a gentleman in the early 19th century that a normally secluded section of the military is secretly employing women, though it's less understanding that he was more easily able to accept a dragon for a training master than a woman for a Captain.

At the very least, I can say he's endeavouring to take it all in stride. Which is more than I can say for Rankin. How I could be so blind to his true character-




Pretty Big News released today.

In case anyone's interested.




I have this nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'm going to start dreaming again soon...I know i wont like whats coming. I never do.




Okay. So...because I haven't been gushing about it...

cut for picture, not filtered )

I CANNOT! Stefan is keeping her because the Professor gets all serious face about pets, BUT LOOK AT HERRRRRR! I'm crying!!!!!!! WHY IS SHE SO CUTE? I WILL NEVER RECOVER!




I still don’t understand how the angry yam in the white house is so convinced that everyone protesting against him, his policies, and Republicans in general are all being paid to. I mean, I haven’t seen a single check so far, but if someone wants to pay me for what I’ve been doing for free… No, I’m pretty sure there’s no better motivation than a lot of people being very, very angry and scared.

And in the meantime, our whole lecture today in class was over actual fake news being held as the truth by those in charge, while the actual news is being dismissed as fake. And how well that’s gone through history.




I am not sure if these sound amazing or disgusting. Either way, I just have to know how anyone came up with them.




My boyfriend is moving in with me. Well, me and Sarah and Kira, but still. I've never lived with someone I was dating before, but I think this is the right move.

The only downside though is that now we have to pack up Josh's place. Does anyone have any extra boxes? After Sarah and I moved into our current apartment, I threw away the bloody boxes, thinking we wouldn't need them.




I think I need to get my ears checked or something. I was watching Bakers vs. Fakers and I could not hear whether they were saying 'baker' or 'faker'.

Or maybe Food Network people just need to enunciate better.