
February 19th, 2017




I can't tell you how much I miss this face while I'm away at college.

cut for size )

I miss her and the way she doesn't want to leave my side when I'm staying with Dad. The way she's apparently decided that I'm actually a bed. I keep teasing Dad and saying I'm going to kidnap her one day. He wished me luck sneaking her past the RA.

Anyway, I don't have to miss her so much any more, not after what Nico got me for Valentines.

cut for size )

She takes up almost as much of the bed as the real one does.

What's really funny? We had the same idea. I got him a stuffed greyhound that looks exactly like his.




All right. Apparently I was melting the popsicle down to make it into smaller popsicles and then I sold them to Lemmings. So I guess that's that answer. Pawpsicles. I question myself in the dreams a lot.

But for everyone who was wondering why I was melting a popsicle, now you know the why.




I finally found a company that will transport the girl’s horses from my parents estate in England to here. So starting March 1st, I’ll be able to work on teaching the girls to ride.


Still want lessons love?




Okay, so I know there’s a market for crossover genre books, but shouldn’t there be some sort of logic to it? Or at least a limit? I just finished a book that was a crossover between disaster/ghost/government conspiracy/alternate universe. And it literally felt like the author couldn’t decide what they wanted to write, and couldn’t be bothered to make it actually connect. I should have listened to my first instinct and just stopped reading and returned it to the library. I’m so glad that I didn’t buy it.