
January 31st, 2017




So I guess I'm definitely not falling into the category of people who have fun Dreams. Mine are taking place behind these giant walls that are apparently supposed to protect us from Titans, which are apparently cannibalistic giants, so that's fun. Not. In the dream I was getting attacked by a group of kids my age for saying that the walls couldn't protect us forever, but I got rescued by my best friends before anything too bad could happen to me.

Unfortunately - I was right in the dreams. Some huge Titan showed up that day and knocked down the gate, and well that was the end of that defensive wall. I woke up when they were making the order for everyone to fall back behind the next wall.




Well, the good news is the neighbors that were having parties have finally stopped partying until three am. It's stopping more around nine or so these days. I don't know if her friends' parents finally caught on or what. Her parents still seem to be home maybe once every week or two. And she's just been leaving trash outside her door for everyone else to deal with.

And then she wonders why there are always stray cats outside her door.




I think I need to go hiking or something. I feel tired.




You know, I'd like to be able to blame my strange dreams on pregnancy hormones but nope, nope I know better. I just would really like to not dream about giant spiders, or making my way through a sewer system in order to get from one place to another while having to deal with giant spiders.




The dance workshop went quite well, and we've already scheduled another one for next month. Come out and see us on the 24th thru the 26th for another one. My friend will be doing the special choreography for this one. They did film some groups dancing and cut together a little video that you can find here of the choreography that I did.

[ooc: mad props go to the real folks here, just pretend that any time it says Kyle it says Minato instead]




So the contents of my dreams involve solving homicides, but there are some dreams that are like watching a movie play out. This latest dream, parts of it, have to be my favorite thus far. It starts out with me eating popcorn at the station because it's a full moon and that's when all the crazies are out. Then, Kate and I were investigating a murder and Ryan and Espo were investigating another. We, meaning me and the boys, placed bets on who would solve it first. Turns out, the cases are connected. It was very much Strangers on a Train. Or Strangers on a Boat in this case because the strangers met on a boat while traveling for work.




I had a chance to watch American Epic Sessions over the weekend. It was better than I expected, honestly, and I'm maybe biased but Ana Gabriel was amazing to watch. It was so good to see music from my own culture represented so well.

I think I'll have to buy the album whenever it's released. And watch the accompanying documentary, of course.




According to Alyssa I'm the worst ever, and I have to admit that she might be right about that on some level after the way I responded to her text earlier today. But I still think my response was funny in answer to her question. She asked me what went into fruit salad. My response?





Ain't nothing like trying to plan a wedding and really having no idea what the hell you're doing. At least I ain't had no new dreams in a while, I'm going to take that as a win at this point.




You know I feel as if it's far too early for Valentine's day stuff to be out, but then again back last month after Christmas, actually before it, they were already putting stuff out. It's unreal to me how quickly we move from one holiday to the next and it feels as if it's earlier and earlier every year. Next thing you know they'll have Christmas stuff out in July next to all of the summer supplies.



[Filtered from Sarah]

Hey, so uh...looking for suggestions of someplace fairly local-ish to take my girlfriend over Valentines weekend. And when I say local I don't mean just around the LA area, but USA area. And I'm vetoing Vegas right off the bat, don't really think it's her thing.