
November 14th, 2016




Pokemon Go strikes again. Someone ditched their routine of using the treadmill in favor of walking the circumference of the gym so they could hatch a 5k egg. They did a lot of laps. I had no idea people were still playing that. I guess the person wound up happy, though. They got their first sandshrew.




Eichhorst never stops being a thorn in our side. He planned a bombing at police headquarters. Sent some of the non-sentient Strigoi with bombs sewn into their stomachs and they exploded, infecting a large number of the people there. Vasiliy was there. He didn't get infected. Eph was called in to look at the leader of the movement against the Strigoi, Councilwoman Feraldo. I tagged along. Got to catch up with Vasiliy. I told him that Nikki left New York without me. He said he wasn't coming back to his apartment where Eph and I were living, that he was living at the Mayfield Hotel. He liked it better there. Fewer chances for disappointment, he said.

I know I broke his heart. I know he wants nothing to do with me. I know these are just Dreams. It shouldn't hurt so much when a Dream rejects you.




Turns out part of the reason dream me has been spending his summer getting drunk and hooking up is cause I resent the people who Bonnie was able to bring back before the Other Side fell. I was angry because she knew she was going to die and she said goodbye over the phone and Elena, Stefan, Tyler and Ric all reminded me of that fact. Ric pretty much told me that I had a right to be upset, but that I couldWe wn't let it rule my life. This was after I got so drunk that when I showed up at his house he had to take my to the hospital.

We were sparring when he was giving me his speech and it made me realize that I should probably start working out and sparring more than I do now. I walk on the beach every morning with Dragon, but I don't really do anything too intense. Anyone want to be my sparring partner? It should be someone who can handle someone whose reflexes and strength are heightened. I don't want to accidently hurt anyone.




More dreams.

I don't know how I feel about this planet I've settled on. The people are hard working and accepting and most don't ask any questions about what a random Togruta is doing there. I started a little side business repairing machinery.

And there's this girl who's clearly into me but of course dream-me is oblivious.




today is now punday, i need your best puns.

it's for science





I am not really sure what I should say here. I'm Steven, a senior in high school and in a band with my dad. I, also, love spending time at the beach.

Hahaha, that seems like a dating profile. This isn't a dating site, is it? Not really looking for that kind of attention, to be honest.




I haven't gotten anything from my dreams in a long time. Then today I stumbled across something. It's just a piece of tech, and without a lot of extra tech it's useless.

It's the strangest thing.

In other news raise your hand if you're spending Thanksgiving alone. Again.


I think I found a piece of the Crucible. It's about the size of a 7-11 and if memory serves was part of the power relay system.




Ugh these last two holidays are gonna suck for me... Big time




I shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit in 2016. Especially not just after Veteran's Day, but it shouldn't happen at all.

I fought for this country. See this scar across my face? I got a Purple goddamn Heart and almost lost an eye for this country. I do not need your All Lives Matter "go back to Mexico" fuckery when I'm out with my husband.

Luckily Aramis punched him before I did, otherwise I probably would not have held back nearly as much.

Aramis isn't even from Mexico. Fuck.




Times are so frightening right now, and we all deal with it in different ways. At some point I will take a more active role in things, but for now I am trying to keep myself together.

One of the ways I take care of my emotional well being is through art and creative outlets, and so I went a bit mad setting up a little house for mine and Hannah's new rock son, Pierrick.

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