
September 8th, 2016




i want to say this has opened my eyes to how crazy life is, but really, it just made me hate sidewalks.

i still have a stupid scrape on my face. i guess i'm not dead, but that sidewalk attacked me right on the face. we're mortal enemies now. also i have to wear weird bandages on my hands and knees because apparently crawling for blocks/mostly dragging yourself messes your skin up and makes you bleed. and that doesn't just go away because you stop being sick. i wish that was as sexual as it sounded, but it was just sad. sad and no sex was involved because I was too busy with eye bleeds and blood in places it shouldn't be, like coming out of my mouth. disappointing.

in other, more dream news, things are still weird outside of the cult life. malfoy keeps doing malfoy and i'm busy having money and doing me, but being quiet about being me. i'm glad i didn't get put into azkaban or anything. soooo there's that. silver lining or some shit.

Private to Remus )




I've just now realized I haven't announced my return to the county. As if I could stay away for long while all the excitement was happening here. Hopefully it'll be as if I never left, and of course once Porthos gets here we'll have a party for old and new friends.




Sometimes I get my Dreams repeated, out of order. Sometimes they're...missing certain people. Other times it's to remind me what I fought for and need to fight for.

Dreamed a particular conversation last night. The foreboding kind. I was talking to Javik, a Prothean who'd been in cryo sleep for fifty thousand years. The last of his kind, the rest were wiped out. We were arguing about honor, and means to the end and what that means when fighting an enemy that wished only for our destruction. His words haunted me for the rest of that war and they haunt me here too.

Stand among the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.




Can I just say that if I never get that sick again, it'll be far too soon. Was that more dream business? I feel sorry for whoever has to dream of something that whacked out.

As far as my dreams have gone, there really hasn't been much to report. Same old, same old. Giant bacteria monster attacks the school when my friend Frieda was inside. Most popular track star in school asked me to tutour him, though it turns out he was really a bang baby (it's cool, it's cool, he got himself help in the end). Some musician who was also a bang baby went apeshit because people stole his tunes.

But last night, I dreamed of being accepted into the Vanmoor Charter School for Science! It's some school for genius kids, and I there must've been some sort of mix-up by accepting me. Everyone there was way smarter than me. And there was this real fly girl there named Daisy (who was way smarter than me) and we hit it off. Specs and Trapper, our student teachers, were trippin, but I guess that's what happens when they think they could trick us into taking on Dakota's only bonafide superhero.

Speaking of not being perfect, I was expected to keep up my homework at Dakota High too while I was studying at Vanmoor. Two full-time course loads and doing the whole superhero thing didn't lead to much free time, but you know. I think I'm glad for the experience. Both in this world and the dream world. Vanmoor ended up getting shut down (because apparently the government looks down on student teachers trying to take out superheroes), but that just meant Daisy got transferred over to Dakota Union High. Which was clearly the best way for a dream to end. Dream me might have a bit of a crush.




Sorry for all the clutter of my posts, lately.

Just wanted to announce that I will be selling a "limited time" shirt.

All of the proceeds will go to a local LGBTQ organization in the local area. Shirt goes on sale starting tomorrow and will be $15. So, come on down and get your shirt before we run out.