
August 26th, 2016




When your professional life takes a very sharp left turn, and you just have to knuckle in and get on with it.

Strangely, this stuff never seemed to happen in New York. At least I'm getting used to the strange looks at bookstores and libraries.




I have the strangest urge to redecorate lately.




Heading out of town for the weekend. Got something I gotta do. Means I can't baby sit you folks so behave.




[Filtered away from Hanna and Emily]

Apparently the reason I can see ghosts is because they wanted to make a spin off of this Pretty Little Liars show. While I'm flattered they chose to base it off of me it's no wonder it was cancelled. Everyone knows I'm meant to be with Hanna.

So what the hell am I doing with Spencer?

[Private Filter to Hanna]
So there's something you should know.




Anyone know any good drinking games?