
March 17th, 2016




Soon Stefan, Anna and I will be looking for another roommate cause Caroline has decided to leave us for a boy. Rude, right? I know. Anyway, the projected time that the room will be open is April. Stefan is actually going to be taking Caroline's old room, but I don't think it'll take Stefan long to move his stuff out and into Caroline's old room. The house is fairly large and we have a hot tub too. More than enough parking too.

Oh and, you'd have to be alright living with two vampires.




Happy St. Patricks Day everyone!

And for any of you who might come in the cafe - please keep this in mind: I know I'm not wearing green and tradition or something says I should be pinched if I'm not. If any of you pinch me - I might dump my coffee pot or water pitcher in your lap out of surprise. Completely by accident of course.




Whose gonna come out and celebrate St. Patrick's Day with me tomorrow night?




to all the ladies out there whats the best place to go and have a little fun. like a nice place to own the dance floor!




My older brother can apparently talk to animals in the Dreams.




Sometimes I really enjoy my dreams and sometimes they're incredibly concerning. I mean, I get to watch the progress of an entire relationship with someone I started out hating and eventually marry. I wasn't expecting that when I started the dreams. I also start to see the decline of my relationship with my sister after she married that awful man (almost seems like art imitating life, but her husband here isn't that awful). I got to see the beautiful graduation ceremony from a magical school, but now there's a war brewing and I'm really not looking forward to what happens.

On the plus side I finally got my Head Girl badge and a load of Wizarding money, so if anyone wants to see a knut or a galleon, let me know, haha.




Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Speaking as a bartender, PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. I won't hesitate to cut people off when they hit that point. But please, don't drink and drive or any of that stupid shit today. Today is for celebrating, not for being stupid and endangering others.

But aside from that, enjoy the day!




Please remember that if you go out drinking tonight that you do so responsibly. There are programs in place to help you get home in one piece, so use them if you need to. I hope everyone has a fun, safe night and enjoy the holiday.




Oh... I didn't like this dream at all... Apparently, my mer-mother died and father banned music from all of Atlantica.




What... the fuck was that in my dream?! Some crazy eight legged creature thing... It had a name an actual name. Skitter Celine




So new apartment, new kitchen means that I needed to make food. Only I made too much. Seriously, I'm used to cooking for half the people I work for on holidays like this. Work in at the NYPD? Everyone gets together because everyone is Irish today and most of the people you actually work with are too.




People who will literally never let go of a grudge: Severus Snape. What did I even ever ACTUALLY do to the guy? I'm getting shady side-eye because of pure association with two friends who will go nameless but not blameless.

What is this even, we haven't seen each other in thirteen years, how can I have ever done anything to warrant this. I mean sure he thinks I'm helping a murderous traitor but

Also I thought I really had these dreams figured out but I guess not. I guess not.

[Private to James Potter]
Your son is basically just like you but with all of Lily's good sense and wit. It's a dangerous combination.