
December 31st, 2015




Odd question. Is there anyone who can give piloting lessons?




Happy New Years Eve everyone! Be safe out there, drink responsibly, but most importantly I hope everyone has a fun one.




I'm very thankful for my Ax. Gremlins got into the building last night and were tormenting a couple of my neighbors. Ended up killing most of them. A few ran off, but I couldn't really search the whole building for them. I'm guessing they left though cause no one has said anything about them today.

Also, looks like I'll be spending tonight with some drinks and Chinese food cause I feel like I've already intruded on my friends for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'll give them a rest from me tonight.




The next person that comes up and tells me 'See you next year!' is getting a sunflower seed spat in their face.

No ifs ands or buts about it, it's just going to happen.

Also, just got home for Christmas, and my Aunt went ALL out. I mean ALL out. Well her and my friends from back home. They got me cards to all sorts of game stores and tech stores... so I now own a new headset, an Xbox One Elite controller and OTHER amazing, wonderful things.

How are all of you?




Alright, I've got about an hour and a half to go. Where's the best party? Sell me your parties, people of Orange County!




Anyone up to anything particularly fun tonight?




I hope everyone had a really great holiday. At the risk of sounding sappy and being teased by certain family members, I was really happy to spend it with them.

Another year though and still no cat.




Being lucky enough to get Christmas Eve and Christmas off means I'll be working at the hospital tonight. It was worth it though.

Have fun and stay safe tonight everyone!