
December 13th, 2015




In my dreams I went back to the subway to get Cynthia and I found that I could go back and forth between that world and my apartment pretty much at will through the portal holes around the subway station and the hole in my bathroom. Navigating the subway station is a pain in the ass, though. I have a map (somehow) and it helps a little bit. Sort of. Probably would help more if we weren't being chased all over the place.

First off its those damn sniffer dogs. They just kind of wander around making weird yipping noises and when they see us, they attack. But at least I can fight those (I do, Cynthia doesn't). I can't fight the ghosts that are flying around and moaning in my ears. Whenever they get too close I feel sick, my head hurts and I can't seem to move fast enough.

And I have all these puzzles I have to figure out. Like finding some kind of handle for the conductor car of one of the trains in order to get some crummy subway token. I keep hoping I'll solve the next puzzle and we can leave. I'm starting to think that's not going to be the case.

Also, I woke up this morning and found a red book in my living room:

Red Scrap Book (SFW, veiwable by all) )

This book is in my dream apartment and everytime I come back to the apartment I go and look through it for some reason. I'm not really sure why I do that either.