
November 5th, 2015




No mess is complete without a questionable pregnancy scandal. That's also when you're absolutely sure your dreams have been elevated to a 'soap opera' platform even further, and my general anger towards it has dissipated into apathy. Wonderful. Zelena is a cunt, and I will now be the aunt of Robin Hood's child.

Among other things.

I've also had the pleasure of dealing with this nonsense across the street at night - what the hell were they thinking? I'd hoped the zombies that came to life on their lawn would deter them from putting up more things that make me claw my eyes out, but that's my mistake for putting faith in humanity's taste.




My best friend Hanna told me about this site. I'm surprised there was social media she didn't know about, but whatever. There's a ton of it, and I'm not exactly up to date on it all either, so I can't say much. I'm told I should be to promote my art, but self promotion can be kinda hard sometimes.

Since it's the internet I'm just gonna leave this Cat link here. Cats are still taking over the net right? I took that photo of a neighbors cat. I'm interested in photography and writing and all kinds of stuff. Also traveling, my family did quite a bit of it before I moved out here to go to college.




So far it's been a pretty good birthday. Celebrating with friends and family, and I'll have the house to myself this weekend.

Another year older, but it feels like I haven't aged a day.




Well, I'm back in town again and one of my friends said I should check this network out. So far seems like a bunch of regular folks, anyway.

I'm Nathan Summers, bounty hunter and investigator. I work for Greymalkin, Inc.




So, my Sister-in-Law just went into labor.




Well, that's one way of waking up from a nap. I think I tried to write a diary entry onto my homework in my sleep.

Guess I'm not the odd duck out anymore. Starting a post with, "I had a dream..." didn't really seem that appropriate. Or called for. But, I had one? That's left me all weird.




So...I'm thinking of taking up pole dancing?

Thoughts Damian?