
October 31st, 2015




I'm really not a fan of Halloween.




I have possibly been watching too many Halloween movie marathons and eating too much candy, because I had the weirdest litte dream last night. I was very young and got attacked by what I'm assuming was a werewolf. And I woke up feeling a bit nauseated. Hopefully that passes soon so I can eat more candy.




There are cardboard bats flying around the shelter. The cardboard bats I hung up in the common room. I wish I could say I'm surprised by this, but I'm not. Do you think I could shoot them down? Would that even work?




Happy Halloween everyone! I'm heading out to a colleague's party but before I do, I thought I'd share some amazing Halloween science!




This time last year I was already in jail, insisting that I needed to find the Warden. Glad that didn't happen this year. Spending the weekend in jail was not fun.