
October 13th, 2015




A friend's funeral plus dreams about being tortured plus alcohol aren't the best combination.




Word on the street is that taking iodine is supposed to help with insomnia. Anybody ever tried it before?




Hello, everyone my name is Christie McCawley, and I'm new to this network but not to the area. Hopefully your Tuesday isn't that bad, or at least better than Monday. I'm hoping that mine is better, since it was one of those days when Murphy's Law reared its ugly head. It's okay, I'm trying to go at today with a positive attitude and if that doesn't help I'm going to curl up in bed once it's over with and watch puppy videos.

With that, I'll leave you one of my favorite puppy videos.




Do any of you law enforcement types have any suggestions on how to get rid of a dream firearm? I obviously can't explain how I acquired it, or show proof of ownership, etc. "From my dreams" is likely not a valid option.




Britain facing 'longest winter in 50 years' as Siberian swan arrives early

I have to admit the weather back home is not something I miss. I do however miss the news sometimes.




Cubs beat the Cards! Now to win the NLCS and then the World Series!




I have been told this is a good place to get the word out about things happening around the county.

I've recently moved here to run a small but lovely art gallery and we're having our grand re-opening at the end of the month. I'll be posting more details up here soon.

I'm also going to be teaching a few art appreciation and art history classes at some of the local colleges so I hope to get to know some of you better through those if you attend.




Well fuck )

Cut for discussions of cancer, in the post and in the comments




Happy Birthday Jeremy!

You are the best boyfriend in the world and I love you




So, I realize that having an education is important and if I want to pursue a career in mechanics/engineering, I will need a certain level of education to get a fairly decent job. However, I feel like sitting in a classroom and taking classes that do not pertain to my field of interest is pointless. Why can't there be a school where the students just take the classes that are necessary for their chosen careers?

Although, I doubt that many students have a career in mind at 16, like myself...

Yes, I am ranting about high school but I know that even in college I will have to take "Gen Eds." I know right now that I will not be needing a fine arts credit in my future. This is not to say that I think that Fine Arts are pointless, but they will be of little use to me and my career path.

Can I just be done with school, already?

Winry "I don't want to be stuck in classes for another five years" Rockbell



Locked from Winry and women too actually.

Has anyone come up with a guide to translating girls book yet? Any writers out there?? I still seem to say every damn thing wrong when talking to them.