
September 25th, 2015




You have got to be kidding me! Again!?


I uh, well, now this is interesting to say the very least.




We're slowly but surely getting there on PT. I'm still terribly irritable over it. But at least I'm listening and doing what I'm told to. I feel much better, too.




This morning I woke up as a woman of all things. How fascinating! It kind of freaked me out at first, but then I thought of all the possibilities. I wonder if I can get discounts on cakes by flirting!

I get to go over to my sister's house later to borrow some of her clothes, but this is so exciting.




I'm trying to avoid pumpkin anything until at least October. Seriously not going to cave on that. Cafe is pumpkin free until October when I shall begin pumpkin pie making. Though I am stocking up on recipes for Halloween. I'm looking forward to it. It's one of my favorite holidays.

I have something for you. Not something I want to give you with the others around because there's a story to it.




I've got some things I want to give you to share with members - they might help with anyones projects. I've been a busy little Elaine.

Sometimes I wonder how my life ended up so interesting. Honestly it had a bad start but here I've met some of the most fascinating people. I am so thankful for that. I had the opportunity to take photos for a sales barn the other day. I'm using an older 35mm film camera, it doesn't break as easily around me, so this photo is not the best in my opinion. But I love it because you can see the scope of this little mare's jumping capability. Sometimes I wish I could learn to ride, horses are so elegant. So, meet Ty.

Photo behind cut public! )




In my dreams last night we had a memorial for those that had died after the swarm of crows attacked us. I even dreamed about that again. About the shortage of food, and how I went to bed hungry that night because I didn't want to take anything away from the group because they're starting to lose hope that we'll ever find a place where we can be safe and away from the infected, and probably the Umbrella Corporation.

I'm even starting to wonder if there's a place where we can be safe from everything.




To all it may concern,

I will be taking over Dr. Hadley's patient roster and ER shifts for the known future. I'm her proxy. I am also Dr. Hadley. I believe that's all which needs to be said on the matter.




Son of a bitch.




I love how Orange County fuckery repeats itself.




Has anyone invested in a business for cards and or gifts to cover specifically Orange County things?

Such as 'sorry I pulled a gun on you this morning, I didn't recognise you as a male' type things? Or really anything we have thrown at us.




This ain't right.




This is bullshit.

Today is bullshit.

This place is bullshit.

Boobs get in the way of everything.




I should have moved to San Francisco.




You know, I didn't think I was gonna wake up with a weenis today. But I did.





Is there some kind of opt out option on this?




Huh. All of this different bits sexin' you guys are doing tastes different.

I'm aware that sounds creepy, but hey - thanks for doing it, guys.




This is unamusing. I wish to return to my normal self.