
August 27th, 2015




She fell asleep by the pool so I couldn't resist. She's probably gonna kill me, but I don't care.

Sleeping Celaena )




To say life has been hectic is an understatement. Between Valerian, who is doing fantastic by the way and now sleeping through the night, and going back to work, I feel like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off more often than not. Still, I wouldn't trade anything for my little one, or my job either since I need it.

Because things have been hectic, I hadn't been able to share the news of an addition to the furniture in my apartment. Dream furniture, that is. It's a lovely grand piano, but it is, admittedly, taking up a good bit of room. Regardless of that, I've enjoyed playing when I can, and I think Valerian enjoys hearing me play too.




We're having a survey at the library through the end of August, and I thought I would bring it here to broaden the group a bit.

Which do you find more convenient for your lifestyle:
  • Books
  • E-readers
  • Audiobooks

    In an ideal world (where time and money were not a factor), which do you prefer the most:
  • Books
  • E-readers
  • Audiobooks

    Personally, I've been sold on e-readers since they came on the market, but then again, I've always been a fan of gadgets.

  • [info]lawful_lizzie



    Today has been a long day at a refresher course in leadership skills thanks to the UN and while I enjoyed it and met some new people. Given how tired I am however, I'm pretty sure there's going to be Dreams of Atlantis tonight. Hopefully pleasant ones.




    My dreams haven't repeated often, but sometimes the good ones repeat and they make me smile. Okay, so it might not have been all good, but the veil being down let me spend time with Stefan, which was nice. Got to have a Bon Jovi dance party and drink and insult Damon. Until ghosty Hunters showed up of course.