
August 13th, 2015




Well that's a dream I certainly wouldn't mind having again.




Dream Katou just continues to prove himself to be the baddest badass of all time. Last night in dream land, he ripped off his own rotting arm so he could make some space for a brand-spanking new one. Check this out.

By day, kind of a sleek new design. Very cool, very modern.

Cut for image, visible to all )

But by night, it really takes my Edward Scissorhands cosplay to a whole new level. There's no way I'm losing the costume contest this Halloween.
Cut for image )

So I guess there's an upside to keeping a mad scientist chick who wants to dissect you around, eh? This is pretty sick though. I'm getting all them dream perks with none of that dream work.

Filtered to Friends )

Filtered to Akane )

Filtered to Zee )

((OOC: Pretending scans are actual photos because there's zero chance of me finding photos of Katou's arm.))




The problem with living out away from people is that I've become even more anti-social than I used to be. How dreadful. I haven't really been able to take too many photos lately, magic and my camera had issues. I'm working on a way to protect it, but I'm not there yet. Soon enough, I suppose?

So. How's the rest of the world doing?




Anyone know where to get a good pot of tea? Preferably somewhere around UC: Irvine.




So today is International Left Handers Day, so if you're left handed, like me, happy left handers day! For some humor, or frustration, 8 Struggles Only Left Handed People Will Understand. I cannot emphasize the fucking right-handed desks and the dreaded smudge enough. I also hated the assholes who would take the only left-handed desk in class.

Also don't get me started on scissors or can openers. I have too many memories of my mom not-so-secretly snickering at my vain attempts to use both.

[Private to Akane]

Is everything alright? You've been acting kinda weird.

[Private to Ranma]

So. How's it going?




Time travel. My dreams have time travel now. We go to the future to save our present and if we are gone too long we die. And then I position myself to travel back and be at the right place and time to save someone else.

And then, just before I woke up, I know it is not friends who have found me.




And thus with these little fellows, my journey to complete world domination begins.

[ooc note: these are meant to be q's latest invention shh just pretend]




I keep getting so emotional over my new little girl. In the best way possible, but sometimes I'm holding her, and she's so small and delicate in my arms, and I get all choked up because I never thought someone like me would be able to have something like this.




Classes start again soon. Where did the summer go? I'll miss my girls during the year.

They tried to burn me for witchcraft.

In the dreams, not here. I haven't done anything witchy here.