
July 15th, 2015




あの Has anyone lost a building....?

Because the dojo is missing. Classes were going to be cancelled anyway but.. the dojo is missing.




I do hope whoever has stolen my car realises what a mistake they've made and returns it soon.




It seems as I braved the peculiar weather to get a few things for the house, that upon my return I no longer have said house.

There is but an empty lot where it stood.




I had been sitting here imagining finding whoever stole my Stella and beating them into a bloody pulp if they damaged her before arresting them. Not that I'd actually fucking do it but it's nice to imagine.

And then I logged on here and found out that even buildings have gone missing. Surprisingly, I am not comforted by the fact that my car may have disappeared into the ether instead of just being fucking stolen by some punk.

I am so fucking sick of this place.




...the large oak tree inside my house is gone.











Edit: This is Tater Tot.




Okay I thought I'd gotten pretty used to the weirdness that is the OC at times but this is a new one for me - my car disappeared from a parking lot. Normally I'd think it probably just got stolen or something but I'd literally gotten about 5 steps away when I realized I'd forgotten the list of stuff I was supposed to pick up, turned to go back and get it and my car was gone. Anybody feel like coming to pick me up at [insert name of store]? I'll pay for the gas.




I hope everyone's doing okay, this has ended up turning into something completely different than some freak storm. Obviously.

So is everyone doing okay? Everyone accounted for? If there's anything I can do to help anyone; look for someone, something, or move things, or help fortify--not that I know what you can do to fortify against this. I just, I'm willing to help in anything someone might need assistance with.

[Filted to Midna, Zelda, and Navi]

Hey, you three okay? Nothing missing for me. Do we know if any people have gone missing during this?

[/end filter]
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It seems that things are going missing. My boyfriend's dog is missing...

However, I have had stuff show up. Lacrosse gear, that has my last name on it, and a tablet that I recognize from my dreams. My best friend had me find some missing footage from a video...certainly, wasn't the kind of footage I was expecting.

It would explain a few things, though...that happened in my dreams.




My reality is nothing but blackness while my dream world burns. Nothing like a double dose of world destroying chaos to push you through your week.

At least in my dreams there's a general idea of how to fix it. Because it's my fault Which is you get the big guy to swing his hammer around a bit and shout at people until they do things. I mean. It works. And Asgardia lived happily ever after, the end, blah blah blah.

I think I ate a bird though Oh and now I have a magpie to go with my hel pup. That's pretty legit. Just me and my evil menagerie.

PS. People who should never rule a realm: Volstagg The Voluminous. What a gong show.