
July 11th, 2015




So, note to self: when presented with an Infinity Stone, knock the Collector's crazy assistant away before she can grab the thing.

Because DAMN. Infinity Stones are ridiculously powerful. Like, 'let's blow up half of Knowhere' powerful.




Now that I'm a detective, you would think my work would get more interesting. It kind of is, but non-stop murder cases are a bitch. I've seen more blood in a month thanks to some psycho than I've seen in the last three years. At least my stomach isn't particularly sensitive, and the psycho seems to be gone. We are still working on this and we do have some leads. Nobody has forgotten. Maybe that giant spider got him.

This place is a lot of crazy.




Does anyone get music in their dreams, like a theme song?

I see the dreams, and I don't hear it, but I swear I know it word for word.

Does anyone have a personal theme song to share? I really need to get this thing out of my head.




Dreaming of being aboard the Titanic is really quite an experience. On the one hand, it was the largest ship of it's time. On the other hand, I've been on a few luxury cruise lines in my life, and the Titanic is so tiny compared to them. It's certainly a different experience, where when I'm sleeping everyone goes on about the sheer size of her, and when I wake it's so much smaller.

I did get to dine with the Unsinkable Molly Brown (though, I suppose she hasn't quite gotten that title yet), and she is a delight. I hope that she joins us for dinner often, as she certainly makes conversation that much more interesting. Mr. Andrews, the shipbuilder, while quiet also seems like a kind man.

I've also recieved a cigarette holder this morning. I have never felt more classy smoking than I did using it this morning.


I've seen you! We haven't spoken yet, but I was on the deck getting air and I saw you with a couple of friends and a sketchbook. I assume you saw me too, as every time I glanced at you you were staring.




so this place's last spider epidemic inspired the most recent monster porn. and lucky me, guess who's stuck editing it?

people are fucked up.




Well, Gram's back to as normal as she's going to get going through chemo. The attack of the giant spider didn't help, but she's calmed down some.

Me? Not so much.




I've had such a restless night. Awful dreams about, well, the world ending is really the only way I can described them. Such darkness and fear. I woke up very out of sorts about it and this feeling of dread just isn't leaving me.

I'm glad I don't have to work today.




Learning more and more about Legos as the news hits my screen. Anyone else interested in how Lego might change to be more environmentally friendly? I'm not sure what they're gonna do, but I applaud them for trying. Click Here for more info.

Now I want to go to Legoland.




SWEET! In my dreams I get to meet Galactus! He seems so awesome!




I'm certain of two things when I dream. That I must have fifteen backup plans. And that each one will get fucked up within minutes.




So hey guys. My name is Owen, I'm with the Wildlife Waystation. We rescue and rehabilitate exotic animals, usually from 'pet owners' who think it'd be cool to own a tiger and don't realize what a dumb idea that is.

Anyway, I heard this was a good way to connect with people, and I figured hey, I can't spend all my time with mountain lions, right?

Though most of my free time is taken up with my babies at home. They were born with spinal issues, so I'm taking care of them and raising them until they're well enough to be on their own at the Waystation.

Say hi to the kiddos! )