
June 26th, 2015




Alrighty, Valarnet, I need your sage input.

Anyone else have dreams that are done and over with, but are still experiencing physical changes? Because apparently I'm going blonde, so unless someone's been sneaking dye into my shampoo every day, I've got no other explanation.

And if someone is sneaking dye into my shampoo, I will find you. And punch you right in the intestines.




Given the great news that was provided to us by the Supreme Court, I feel like tonight is the night to celebrate with a few drinks!

Anyone want to go out tonight? Let's all celebrate the good news!!!




Two days until my birthday.

I expect a few new bottles arriving that day.

25 again. 25 Forever. I could reuse last years candles, and I can use the same ones next year.




Now, it is my turned to have experienced a Dream. How curious it is to wake up and feel less like a man and more like a computer program.