
June 22nd, 2015




Holy shit after begging my dreams to give me my damned motorcycle that I have in them, guess what showed up in my apartment this morning? MY MOTORCYCLE! It's freaking gorgeous, and I'm so excited to finally have it.

Here's a photo of it! It's a Honda CBR, and it's finally actually here!!

Yes, mom, I'll wear a helmet, I promise.




Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics and Martial Arts Figure Skating? Okay. I can see that. But Martial Arts Tea Ceremony and Take Out?

I suppose it is better theme than being kidnapped/used as prize to upset people. But really. Tea ceremony.




I know that, in all probability, my dreams are done now. But I can't shake the feeling like something more is going to happen.

Is that a common feeling around here?




Bruce didn't even answer the phone for fathers day, guess I know where I stand there anyway.

Glad that's over with.




Yaaaay, it's officially summertime! Not that we'd ever really notice, right? But yeah, yesterday was the first day of summer, so now you have no excuse to not go outside and go swimming.

I'm Navi, and I've always lived around here but didn't know about this website, so hi?




I think... now I'm going a little crazy. Do you ever feel that way after your "Dreams"? Even knowing a lot of people experience the same strange effects, do some of you think it may just be all in your head...?

Because... I think I heard a fish talk to me today. That's not very normal at all.




In non-spider related news: Peeta got me a present.




I had to get a few stitches thanks to a giant arachnid. I better not scar. There is a pretty big gash on my forehead, and a slice across my ribs, but at least my insides stayed inside. He did ruin a new shirt.

Other than that - IT WAS AWESOME!!