
May 14th, 2015




Well fuck all this.

Fuck these dreams, and all the demons and vampires and whatever other bullshit happens to my dream self. I'm done with it, I'm over it.

I need a change of pace. So tomorrow night (that's Thursday), all y'all are invited out to my ranch (the one I live in, not where I work) for something of a hootenanny. There'll be plenty of music, food, and booze to go around. No dress code so long as you don't show up naked. There's a pool, so bring your swim trunks if you like. No life guard on duty or whatever though, you can take care of your own selves like responsible adults.

Party starts at five, anyone who's at my place past midnight gets turned into a pumpkin.

RSVP here or whatever, if you want. Or just show up.




Using squirrels to cheat at tests isn't really cheating, right?




I had another dream tonight. My brother was talking to some professor guy about a compass, some guy named Rheticus and teleoprtation. I'm beginning to think my dream self is in some fucked up Twilight Zone episode. Its just so weird.

Schools almost done. I have my graphic design show on Saturday and then I'm pretty much home free. Pretty exciting stuff and there shall be much celebration. And if anyone is interested in seeing the show its at 5pm at UC Long Beach campus. Some of the pieces everyone put together are pretty awesome!

In other boring news it looks like my roommate is going to be moving out. Which means ill have to start looking for another one. Its crazy how hard it can be to find someone to live with that you don't end up wanting to murder.




My dreams appear to be getting even worse. Here I was thinking that the Mortal War was going to be the worst of it, but now Camille has escaped and at the exact same time there are problems in my relationship. I'm glad that these problems are only in the dreams. Dreams or real life, I don't like it when Alec is upset. Of course, dream me is partly to blame for it, so I don't exactly fault him for being upset. I only hope that better things are to come.




What do you do when coffee's just not enough of a kick anymore?



[Filtered away from Merlin]

I may have started a prank war with a coworker. I *might* need some help coming up with pranks. Any ideas?

I already wrapped his office supplies in gift wrap. He probably spent the entire morning unwrapping his stapler and paper clips.

...though I'm sure it took more time wrapping than unwrapping.




My brother is coming home, and my girl my ex later this month. It's a good time for summer vacation.

It's more than time to get some things straightened out. I don't have much faith in that happening.

Time to stock up on the alcohol. The bar is looking a little empty.




Well, I've become the Superior General of the Jesuits in my dreams. That effectively makes me one of the most powerful men and Europe, which is good, because I'm playing a dangerous game. Still, dream Aramis is clever, clever, clever. At every corner, though, is D'Artagnan. He doesn't quite know what's going on, but he knows well enough that it's something, and I'll be damned if he isn't just causing me inconveniences to stall me until the end game appears. There's no enemy greater than a good friend.

In more pressing and relevant news, I'm getting married in nine days. I think I'm going to be sick. I can't believe how quickly time has gone. It seems ridiculous now to ever not be with Porthos, in any aspect. In every set of dreams I've had, he's had a vital role. I still find the idea of marriage both wonderful and terrifying.

We're flying out to DC tomorrow, to spend the next week making sure everything is ready and in order. I'm excited to see my family. I haven't seen them since Christmas, which I know hasn't been very long, but to me it feels like eternity. I hope you all won't get into too much trouble while we're gon.




I don't usually post about stupid articles, but apparently a Taco Bell in Chicago is going to start serving alcohol.

The amount of relevance that is to my life right now is both hysterical and unreal.

I'd go to that Taco Bell...




Why the hell are college applications so expensive? I'm submitting it electronically, you literally don't even have to do anything to get it. Stupid schools. This had better be worth it.