
May 11th, 2015




You know maybe you guys *coughcindylinaloganetccough* were right, there's nothing more enjoyable than taking a day off and lounging in the hot tub with a margarita and knowing it's totally okay to do that. Not that I've not been itching to go to the cafe but...

We need another night out soon, you know.




It's nice to know that even as an adult, my dad has me covered when I flake on stuff like mother's day. Despite the fact that I had it circled on my calendar, and dad called to remind me, and the reminders online - I totally forgot to get my mom something. Dad got her some flowers for me and a spa day.




So we made it through our first mother's day without their mom. We spent the morning watching old home movies and then went over to my in-laws. It wasn't as hard as I was expecting it to be.