
April 29th, 2015




My neighbour just got a dog.

It's a puppy. I'm sure it's the cutest thing on the planet but oh god does it yap. Every morning this week. At three in the morning. I work early enough as it is. Jeez.

I'm gonna lose my mind!



Filtered against Helen Magnus

I don't care that it's Wednesday, but when I'm done teaching this evening I'm going to a bar and I'm getting fucking smashed.

I fire today from existence. And I haven't even started work yet.




Ok, ok LA, you win... a Dodger dog is, in fact, the best hot dog in the world; and watching a ball game in the middle of a gorgeous day? Yea, I can buy into it. Still, not quite home. Shea stadium is a beautiful mess.

Any big movies coming out this weekend that I can't afford to go to that someone else might want to give me a synopsis of so I can dream?




One of these days I'm going to learn not to say anything to my dad about being bored. I just killed my phone battery playing Trivia Crack with him.

I never knew how much random stuff I'd learned over the years until now.