
April 5th, 2015




Woke up this morning to a fucking nightmare about asexual man-eating rabbits nearly overrunning LA and threatening to overrun the entire continent, only to die en masse because the first fucking rabbit ate candy or something.

Happy fucking Easter Sunday.

Don't think I'm gonna be able to eat sweets again for a while.




So, what's up California? Did you miss me? I know you did!




It's only been a day and already I miss my essence of soft femininity. Balls get in the way of everything.

There are just so many things I don't understand about being a man. How long is this going to last? Is my client file management system at the firm going to get messed up because it's not me there oh god I'm having a panic attack!!




You know what? I'm actually used to all this OC BS by now. Like, it's inevitable. I never get overlooked by the weird body changing stuff. At least I'm totally someone a little bit cool I guess.

Okay, but, bigger problem. So I guess I'm still dreaming as me? Which is a bit comforting. Except that of all people in the world to rebuild Asgard, the All Mother picked Tony Stark!? Like now I have to live in this totally cool high tech world of Asgardia constant reminder that he's a person that exists. :(




One of my masters mentors likes to say he has a bad feeling about everything. But after what I dreamed last night, I have a really bad feeling.

I know what the dark side feels like. And something really bad is coming. And I thought a galactic war was bad enough.




Thousands of soldiers can't take a city in a hundred years. Three fourteen year old girls take it in less than a day.

We're just that good.
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I'm still trying to figure out what it is with me and men named Peter. I mean Quill is cute and all and adventurous. But I'm waiting for the inevitable shoe to drop. He doesn't seem like the kind of man who'll want to hang around Earth for very long, and there's only so much traipsing around in space I can handle.

And yeah. I'm not even back a month and new dreams. Lucky me.




For anyone available and interested:

April 9th, there is a free conference about human trafficking in Long Beach.

Then on April 25th, there is a 5K walk/run in Irvine to raise awareness as well as prevention.




My mother has sent me home with enough left overs to last me until the End of Days. Well, maybe not that much but still. I'm starting to think she's convinced that I'm still one of those college kids that lives off of pizza. Secretly I'm glad though because mom's cooking is amazing. Now If I can just keep it away from my roommate...there's the challenge.

Also Hello I'm Claudia. I'm usually behind on the social media tools but someone said this was a pretty nifty place. Since I have no idea what to even put on here I'll just give a few random facts about myself.

1. I love old movies. Like Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable old movies.
2. I have a rabbit. His name is Hermey.
3. I firmly believe that take out taste better when its a leftover than when it's fresh




Okay, so. My brother and I sing? In these dreams. Like we ran into each other in the woods and started singing about who has it worse when it comes to love?

By the way, it's totally me. His lady just runs away from him, obviously she doesn't want him. My lady very much wants to be with me, but she lives locked away in a tower. :'(




I'm so glad that Lent is over. I won't lie, there was a moment a couple of weeks back where I cracked and ate a tray of cookies and drank a bottle of wine. But today was fantastic, Porthos and I have so much food still (Athos, D'Artagnan, Sharon - if you want more, we'll bring some with us to work).

And an Easter gift, I have more dreams. Continuing in the same thread, only now a decade later still. I'm a Bishop. Bishop of Vannes, to be exact, confidant of one Nicholas Fouquet and with Porthos we are fortifying a fortress. It's not all as it seems. I know there's more going on behind the scenes, but I want to see how it plays out. I think I hold the very future of France and the monarchy in my hands. Though D'Artagnan someone, I know, suspects me of things. We speak in circles around one another. In my best interests I sent him on a wild goose chase after Porthos, if only to buy Porthos time to express my concerns to those in Paris.

Also, much as I love him, Porthos cannot keep secrets. He would ruin my plans and all in the spirit of meaning well, which will not do.

Oh - did I mention I got some beautiful gifts with these dreams? The robes of a Bishop which are so finely made, and the pastoral ring. I was going to keep it to myself, but, it's amazing.

Image under cut, safe for all. )

It is the crown jewel of all the rings I wear. I'm going to lock it into the ebony box with my other dream gifts, nestled against Anne of Austria's cross and the diamond encrusted cross I received from the Duchesse de Longueville.