
March 28th, 2015




I found what is probably the best use ever for those hollow chocolate bunnies - Easter Bunny Jello Shots. It's far enough from Easter that I should still be able to get some at the grocery store pretty easily.


I realized the other day I hadn't thanked you for suggesting that other video last month. It's been a big help in deterring that one coworker from hanging out in my office bugging me.




I got stopped today by someone who heard me play Thursday to ask if I was the same guy who had that song on the radio or if I'd just been doing a cover. And then asked for my autograph after telling them I was the guy who had the song on the radio. Definitely a new experience for me that I could get used to but I guess I probably should have been expecting something like that with the song getting released and doing pretty good on the charts. Next up is album release I guess.

[Gwen Stacy]

I think I still owe you a dinner out to celebrate. And I keep meaning to ask about double dating with Rose and John. A real date - not just dropping by to hang out and eat burgers and crash.




Some people just make it too easy.




My cat likes red bean ice cream. What the actual fuck.

(I'm bored, please help.)




Cut for image, not filtered )

A part of me wishes I'd thought of doing something like that to my son when he was old enough to ask that question. His mom would have laughed about it. Probably not until after she'd finished reminding me that I wasn't supposed to mess with his mind like that but she'd still have laughed. God I miss her




I really don't understand wearing your trousers so low that your pants hang out. I know where it supposedly originated from, but how did it become a thing outside of that? I saw two guys today at Starbucks, one whose jeans were practically around his knees. How is that even remotely comfortable? I just don't understand.