
October 22nd, 2014




It would seem that Alec and I have decided on Halloween costumes. It actually wasn't as difficult as I was expecting, considering how many options there are these days. Surprisingly, for anyone who knows me, there is nothing outlandish about my costume whatsoever.

Also, this Friday night, I will be hosting a Halloween party. It will be held at [address of The Institute]. When arriving at the party, you may, at first glance, see nothing but an empty lot, but if you continue onto the lot, the building will appear. However, upon leaving, you won't remember where it was.

It's open to anyone on Valarnet. I had wanted to do it on Halloween, but I assumed that there are other plans that evening.



Guess who had insomnia?

Cleaning my room I found not one, not two but three stacks of photos from when I was a kid. Okay so they're mostly Polaroid photos of cows, horses, that one time I dumped the bucket of whitewash on my siblings and friend's heads (I was doing the upper wall on the ladder and uh elbowed it off, I swear!) And the time my cousin got back at me for putting a frog in her bed and gave me benadryl powdered up and mixed in my milk at dinner then dyed my hair pink. And yes, if you ask nicely I'll share the pink haired photo.

Oh man I almost miss the days when life was uncomplicated, the only boys in it were my cousins or dad, and I didn't hate them all. I laughed so hard at some of these I think I cried. My ribs ache.




It's only Wednesday?

[Private; readable by adult Friends (No Originals/ Salvatore's/ Nieces&Nephews)]
I think had some of those dreams everyone has been talking about forever. I was a pretty big screw up when it came to the kids. I definitely did not have my shit together.

And Katherine wasn't there. At least not that I could tell. Just me, Elena and Jeremy.

And I seem to make poor life choices in both places. At lease some things stayed the same...




It looks like a Halloween store vomited all over my porch.




It's funny how working out in the morning can make a girl look at her life a little differently. Just taking that half hour to get some exercise in, go for a jog and do some sit-ups, gives a look at things from another angle.

I needed it, after the Dreams last night.

Now I have some phone calls to make.




I didn't pack a lunch today, and I'm STARVING, but I have to go to work right after class. It's one of those days when I don't have time to breathe between everything going on, let alone go home and make myself a sandwich! I'm gonna need to get up a little earlier so that I can make myself a lunch before I run out the door. Means I have to set my alarm clock. Aaaaand get to bed before midnight.




Huh. Dream Me is a history teacher, too. It's weird how so much was similar in my dream, but so much was different, too. I think that might actually make it more unsettling in a way.




Hello, Valarnet. I'm Sydney Sage and I moved here a few months ago, but I've been resisting certain attempts to get me to sign onto this place until now. I'm horrible at introductions, but I'm 22 years-old, I grew up in Utah and I gradated from USC this part May. I've been making do wit Starbucks, but I'd really love some suggestions on where to get a good cup of coffee in or near Irvine.




One more hour and this shift is over. Then I get to go home and do some reading and homework. I have an exciting night ahead of me.




Do kids still go trick or treating?




If Craigslist worked in Philly, I guess Valarnet will work here.

Completely normal jet-lagged dude seeks bar recommendations. I could ask the cabby from the airport, but who knows if he even likes beer? Hook me up, random internet people.

Apparently, I they got the days mixed up on when my apartment is going to be ready and here I am with internal clock that says 4AM when it's only 5 in the afternoon. Well, I guess it actually is 5 o'clock somewhere.





The best dinner I've had. It was so good.




I had this crazy dream last night. It was pretty much like the beginning of my first year of college. It was different, though. The town was different, it was really creepy. and those girls actually pushed me down the stairs. I could have DIED

I don't know why I would dream about all of that. I forgot how bad it was It was a little unsettling, though. Reminded me how much I really do NOT miss Texas.




Woah, okay I think I'm seeing sound after spending a day of eating nothing but candy corn.