
October 19th, 2014




You know, in case anyone was wondering (not that anyone was and it's probably a pretty easy conclusion to draw anyway) these damn things are really not that comfortable.

cut for image, viewable to all )

Every gal in the store wants to try them on but I'm kind of hesitant because if they crack the glass and get shards in their feet that would just mean blood and awkward things. They're definitely special shoes.

I've seen the plastic ones people wear for weddings though. Probably a better option in the long run.




Weekends definitely aren't long enough. Are we sure we can't just chop the work week by a day or two? No?

Well, enjoy it while you got it.

[Private: Avengers/Friends]
Jarvis 2.0 is up and running.

Going for a fly today.

Wave if you see me overhead.




I've been gifted with four large paintings of this. Odd, but I rather like it. Doesn't match anything in my office, but I think I'll keep them around regardless. And along with a set of armor and weaponry, I'm feeling spoiled these days.

At least I can use the paintings to keep that damn horse in. Don't need an armored demon animal trotting around.




Really glad to have the day off today to recover before heading back in to work tomorrow. This weekend was just so draining. I think I agree with Mr. Stark--how he said that the weekend's not long enough. Hear hear. I need another eighteen hours to sleep.




Apparently this is the place to go to network.

However it just seems to be a bunch of people talking about their crazy dreams. Were you all dropped on your head as babies?

Anyways I guess I'll go ahead and introduce myself. The name's Veronica and my dreams are normal.




So, in my most recent dreams, not only am I in Denver, but it turns out I'd been friends with Kol, who was told by Klaus to watch me. I had no idea that he was an Original until Elena and Damon came to Denver, wanting my help and Kol showed up. We went to a motel, where Elena and Damon were staying and they filled me in on what was going on and what they wanted was for me to contact another vampire who had died, Rose, to find out more about the Originals. Of course, Kol was one step ahead of us and killed the vampire who had turned her, who they were really looking for. Of course the worst part was seeing Elena kissing Damon when she was still with Stefan.

Hey Kol, dream you is a real dick.




I just saw someone practically take off their own passenger side mirror cause they were in such a hurry to get to wherever they were going. Instead of waiting for the SUV in front of him to move when the light turned green, he went around the guy and wound up hitting their mirror against the SUV. All I saw was glass fall, but couldn't tell if the mirror had actually come off. When he turned the corner though, I saw that the mirror was turned in. So it was still attached to the car, but the mirror itself was broken. No wherever that guy was going, he had to stop and take the time to exchange paperwork with the SUV guy.

What an idiot.

So, I need something to do on Halloween.




How the hell do my dreams go from being hilariously ridiculous (or ridiculously hilarious, I can't decide) to complete shit just like that? Like, one moment, Amelia a companion of mine and I were singing in these skimpy dresses to conjure up a spell, doesn't work, I get to blow things up, score - and then we meet the personification of what's left of the Aqualord's memories, she shows me what could happen if a spell goes wrong, and then we're attacked by a demon lord in a tacky orange trench coat. Wow, there's not much of a difference between him here and there honestly.

Also, dream-me is a 16 year-old prude and I want to smack her in the face.




Apparently I wasn’t totally forgotten when I moved away. A couple of old friends told me that this was the best way to get reacquainted with the area. I was just going to find a coffee shop or something. This seemed like the thing to do. It doesn’t take the coffee shop out of the running though. I still thinking nothing beats personal interaction but I thought that I would check it out. Although it’s probably a good thing that I’m not all hypered up on caffeine.

Anywho, I’m Harper or Peri. Whatever floats your boat. I just moved back here after being after for more than ten years. I should probably say a little about myself. I’m going to go with the dating site introducation. I like iced chamomile tea, snowy weather (although I'm not sure how much of that I'll see here, watching Pokemon on Saturday mornings. Yeah, Pokemon.

Well, enough about me. What's up?!