
August 27th, 2014



Bought a brand new Honda Accord. I have no regrets. Actually pretty glad the transmission went out on my old car now.




So, I guess today is like National Dog Day or something like that and even though she's not technically a dog, I wanted to share a picture of Nymeria since I was talking about her the other day on here. This was taken out in the woods behind my house a few months ago.

Cut to save flists )



[Filtered Away from Shadowhunters]

Has anyone dreamt something that they wished they could prevent others who share their dreams from having?








Doing volunteer work at the animal shelter after class is so rewarding. I hope I still have time to do things like this when I graduate and start my real career FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE!

Not that being a police officer wouldn't be completely fulfilling, I just like to help the world in more than one way.

Speaking of which, are there any homeless shelters or soup kitchens in the area?




As a member of the news media, I am incredibly overwhelmed with joy that Peter Theo Curtis has been released and returned home safely after two years in captivity.

As I almost religiously avoid watching the news now, I never would have known except my editor woke me up with the news. There is nothing like hearing that kind of news when you wake up. It's, to me, more joyful than hearing almost anything else. It's left me feeling giddy today.

So today's image will be cheery, I think.





Every TV in the hospital and the breakroom is turned onto FXX for The Simpsons marathon. First patient of the day was a 13 year old who has tried to stay up for the past 5 days to watch everything so far. The Simpsons are fun, but not THAT important. Not worth your health, people.




You know you're a slightly bitter, divorced woman when your entertainment on a Wednesday night is a glass of Château de Sancerre Rouge Pinot Noir, and reading through all these silly little entries posted on here.

I can't take any of you seriously.




I was told at work this would be a suitable way to locate someone who rather recently left without much explanation whose associate would very much like to express how distressed (and rather offended) he was at the sudden disappearance.

Direct all inquiries on the matter to Percy Blakeney, attorney and concerned friend.




By the numbers

  • Death count: 5

  • Near deaths: 1 (not mine)

  • Miraculous recoveries: 2

  • Panic attacks: 1 (again, not mine)

  • Time passed: two months (rough estimate, dating from the first body in the woods)

I'm starting to think that might be the darkest timeline.




Well, Aramis has gone and gotten a tattoo, which makes me want more ink of my own. I currently have two half sleeves, that look like this:

I think I want something on my lower back, since my arms feel pretty complete with just the half sleeves, but I'm not sure what, just yet. Or maybe on my chest?

I'm open to ideas. Just getting the itch again.