
August 22nd, 2014



So who is going to take me out tomorrow night?

A girl like me can't stay home on the weekends, that's like criminal.




Now that my dreams are over, at least I assume they are, they've just been repeating on and off. I'll go weeks with regular dreams about random things then suddenly a get various dreams. Every now and then I even get things from my dreams mixed in with the regular ones. Like last night, I dreamt that a Hurlock and Morrigan owned a pet shop. Don't even ask me where that came from. I seriously don't know.

And in other news, my mother wants to come visit me. I'm not entirely sure what to do about that. I mean, I'd love to see my mother, especially since I've been dreaming about her being dead for the last couple of months, but I'm also worried that something crazy will happen when she gets here.




Annnnnnnd I'm cursed.

That's a big middle finger to Xelloss AND Martina.




I know that ten o'clock on a Friday evening seems to be a very strange time to reflect on this sort of thing, but I've notied that as my children are growing older, teh amount of things they have seems to be multiplying. Not just one toy makes one toy. They have hundreds of toys all over the house. Even the one who's not walking yet has toys in every room. Of course, this logically makes sense. They are bringing in more toys than they are taking out, for obvious reasons. Still, it's surprising to me.

Daisy and I will be purging her toys before her fourth birthday. We'll be making a large donation to the Salvation Army. Hopefully she won't fuss too much over this. It must be done, or else she won't have any room for birthday presents.




So with this whole drought business over here and such, seems people are starting to wake up to the fact that lush, green, golf course grass-type lawns just doesn't cut it out here and going native with the plants is how to roll. I think that's pretty cool. Makes me wanna start my own business to help out or somethin'.