
August 9th, 2014




Oh, I'm just going to go back to being a hermit. It was all so much easier that way.

Failed Lock to Lina
Lina, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner are all in the fridge, I'm hiding. I'm not even going to bother. Ain't no point. Being a hermit better. Just don't chainsaw my door please and thanks. Oh and if we have space, I invited my friend to come stay, i don't know if she wants to or not but hey you brought home strays :)



[Filter Fail: Supposed to be Friends-Only, but PUBLIC]

Elsa and I are throwing an 'end of the summer, celebrate school starting' kind of party. Complete with snow and ice, and sledding! You're all invited to come over. August 23. Bring food and drinks to share!

[Locked from Lina and Ganon, Lock FAILED]

Ok, seriously, how do I make these dumbs dreams stop?
I don't want to be in your fucking dream club anymore!


And if all this shit is supposed to come true, how do I keep that from happening?

Is there like a rule book or a sensei with training under waterfalls and fighting bears? I don't give a shit. Just teach me how to stop it.




I'm fairly sure I had more of those 'dreams' since I usually don't even remember them. These were really vivid, but they were eerily similar to my own life. It's hard to tell.



[FAILED lock against Asami Sato]

Okay so uhm... Is it normal to be kinda touchy with your female friends? I mean... Cuddly and stuff? I've pretty much been straight my entire life as far as I'm aware, but we end up hugging and snuggling and none of that feels all that strange either.

I'm just a little confused, I guess.