
January 21st, 2014



Does anyone have any suggestions for a way to distract oneself from a craving that would be very bad to indulge? Normally I have more self-control than this.




I have a sister. A Dream sister. Periwinkle. She's a Winter Fairy. God, I miss her. I wish she was here. Isn't it weird how these Dreams can affect us this way?

...Wow. I'm going to be thinking about her all day now. And how we saved the Pixie Dust Tree in the middle of Pixie Hollow. I need something to take my mind off of everything.




If I did anything wierd last week I'd like to formally apologize for the actions of my evil twin.




Does anyone on this network know me? I'm having... Well I need to fill in a lot of gaps in my memory.




We're having a boy. No idea what to name him though.

I'm actually really surprised that I didn't somehow turn into one of my other selves. I thought for sure that would happen when I saw it happen to other people. I have too many faces to choose from I guess. Okay not as many as the Doctor but still.

Speaking of which, in my dreams we've picked up a boy named Adric. It's odd having someone else in the TARDIS, but he's a cute kid for the most part.




Am I the only one who isn't getting these Dreams? I think I've asked before...
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After some careful consideration, I have finally gotten myself a dog. I've spent the last few weeks reading up on different breeds and such; also, seeing if it would be best to adopt or just get a puppy. However, I felt it would be better to adopt and so I began to look through all the nearby animal shelters to see what they all offered.

Today, I can say that I am now a proud owner of a new dog. The shelter had her named as "Winter" but I don't know if I'll keep that. I think I'd rather wait and see what she's like before deciding on a name. Anyway, enough talk...here are some pics:

Cut for pics )




This might be a first for me. The first time I've ever even thought these words, let alone put them down somewhere. But I'm going to say them now. I'm sick of the library. I've been spending way too much time there over the past week.

Also. Has anyone else ever dreamed of a giant snake wearing an old woman's skin? Is that just me?




I am freaking dying over laughter over this article.

Guy shares his own wanted post from the local police department then willingly meets up with a fake profile and is arrested. Darwnism in some degree.

In other news: Peanut Butter Jam Session by Ben and Jerry's is delicious.




Whoever decided that pecans, caramel and chocolate should be a thing deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. I imagine that the whole world would be a much nicer place if everyone just had some of these candy turtle things before going in to meetings to talk about country borders and non-aggression pacts.

By the way, guess what I'm eating? Double Points if you can guess how many I've had.





Little Red Riding Hood.

I have no idea what's going on in Storybrooke in my dreams because time keeps jumping around, but I've apparently figured out my other half. I'm not very pleased.

[Filtered to Werewolves]
Hello? Are there any others out there that dream of being a werewolf?




Looking for a job. If anyone has any suggestions... I'm all ears.




I quit my job As of February 4th I'll officially be looking for a new job. Anybody know of someplace looking for a guy with a degree in criminal psychology? And more guts than brains according to my last CO?

Want to come over and distract me from my job search?

If you haven't told my mama yet - now's probably the best time. I'm pretty sure she's yelled out right now. I thought she'd be happy I was staying in the area