
January 13th, 2014



Loyalty and friendship, so far that seems to be the theme of my dreams. And now my dream-self is planning to potentially ruin the life of his best friend in order to save him from something that would probably destroy him. It seems I walked into the open arms of the CIA with my eyes open and ready to do whatever my country might need of me no matter how it would change me, but my friend, the best and most decent human being I've ever met, I couldn't let it touch him. The things that you are required to do as a member of the CIA would chew him up and spit him out if it didn't outright kill him. Chuck deserves better than that.

Orion felt the same and asked me to take care of it. So I'm about to do something terrible, to save him, and he is going to hate me for it. As long as he ends up the way Chuck has already told me he does then I guess I can live with that.




To think, The Jetsons was set only 48 years from now. And Back to the Future II was only set in 2015. Part of me wonders where the flying cars are at, but then, I still remember life before the internet, so...wow.




Sometimes I wonder if it's better that I'm the only one from my dreams that's here. Nobody's died for me while I'm awake. That's a good thing. In my dreams, there were so many.


I think I'm ready to up my cosplay game to the next level. I mean, you can only be a guy in a dress so many times before it becomes expected. Unfortunately, my manufacturing skill set is strictly 19th century. I can sew and knit. I'm okay with makeup if it's not more complicated than eyeliner and nail polish. And I'm a fairly decent wig stylist. And honestly, for most cosplay, that's all you need. But I've always wanted to put together something awesome. A mecha. Or actual armor. Or a superhero. Maybe a racebent-genderbent superhero.

So. Open call. There are millions of people in the world. One of you reading this has to know somebody who cosplays or who wants to cosplay or who you can persuade to make costumes. Serendipity. Fate. Destiny. I'm waiting for you.




Sometimes Ah find myself exhausted by the dreams. Ah'm so over them.

Is it time ta run off to Costa Rica yet, Lara?

Did ah ever show you what the OC left fer me?

Well so far this years been fine, how are you?




Oh my gosh, I finally had more dreams!

So basically I was sitting in my window being a typical mopey teenager and I saw my friend flounder swimming off someplace, all suspicious and everything during the night, so of course I did what ANY teenager would do and I followed him! And I ended up at this amazing place called The Catfish Club where everyone was singing and dancing and making music, and it was the best thing in the world, but everyone got super freaked out when they saw me because, you know. I'm a princess blah blah and music is forbidden. But I sang and they let me take the oath and I got to stay and dance!

Only then my sisters were totally on to me, so I told them, and then I got to bring them to The Catfish Club too! And we went all the time, only then somehow daddy found out (I blame that terrible governess of ours) and the place was shut down, and some of my friends were put in jail for breaking the law. SO. I did another thing any teenager would do and I broke them out! And now we're running away from Atlantica so we can be somewhere where music's allowed.

Super fun, right??


Oh, greatI have claws when I'm pissed off now. Huge metal ones that come out of my fist like in my dreams.

Not to say it isn't badass, it's just a little fucking random.




So. What's a girl gotta do to get a job around here?




It's a bit chilly tonight. Whenever I start feeling this way--like I need an extra sleeping bag when I'm snoozing under the stars--I thank God I'm not living in Alaska.