
December 31st, 2013




I forgot to post about this because I've been so busy with taking care of him.

Anakin decided to surprise me with a puppy for Christmas! This is Artoo and he's a Pomsky (mix of a Pomeranian and a Husky) and absolutely adorable!
Visible to all - cut for picture size )

I just need to get started on training him and he needs friends. Who has dogs he can play with?


I am so happy that the holidays are nearly over. But I will say that I think my Christmas Photos With Santa promotion at the clinic went over quite well. A lot of people came out and it was a lot of fun. Animals with Santa are hilarious - I found this LINK on buzzfeed with dog/Santa photos that made me cry with laughter.

I was also thankful enough to have my family come out to visit me. I'm sure they were pleased that it was slightly warmer here than Salem despite there being some snow still on the ground. And I think Marian did a great job of not being completely intimidated by them.

But my main point of posting is the excitement over having new dreams. I received a photo of my "cat" self and 3 other people and I had no idea who they were. But, now I do! So, let's see...it's been a quite a while since I last dreamed, but I remember I was turned into a cat by the witch. My dreams picked up on the oldest sister witch declaring that there was a curse in place that the sisters would come back when a virgin lights the black-flamed candle on Halloween. My family didn't realize it was me as a cat and rejected me, so I stayed around to guard the cottage.

Fast forward 90 years to the 90's and some idiot, Max, decides he wants to impress a girl, Allison, and lights the candle! The witches came back and thus began our battle with the witches. We went to a graveyard where a zombie rose out of the dirt to come after us, we went to a party to enlist the help of the kids' parents, but the witches put a spell on them, and finally we managed to lure them into the high school. We locked them in a kiln and burned them alive. Did I mention I can speak to these kids? They've taken quite a liking to me, especially Dani (Max's younger sister), and we all head back to their house in victory. She said she was going to make me a fat house cat. Goodie.

I don't think this is the end of the dreams though. It seems too good to be true to have defeated the witches this easily. But we shall see.




So my dreams have inspired me. I didn't have many, but I did dream about Percy coming to camp and taking care of him. But the most important part of the dream:

CAPTURE THE FLAG - it was the most epic thing I have ever witnessed. Everyone in this camp has a God/Goddess for a parent and we're all trained for combat, so just imagine how great this capture the flag battle is.

I really want to do this here. Would anyone be up for some epic capture the flag? We don't need to have swords or anything. We could do a paintball or laser tag aspect to it.

And I also received a couple presents when I woke up. I also have an orange Camp Half Blood shirt and I got a Yankees cap. The cap doesn't seem that great, but in my dreams it turns me invisible. I put it on after I woke up and it WORKS here too! I am going to rock capture the flag.


I just want to say that Cybermen are some of the creepiest things I've ever seen. Yes, the dreams are back, annoyingly. I stayed over in the parallel universe fighting Cybermen until they decided to break through into the current world. I will say that Torchwood Institute is a nice place to visit, but apparently they don't do strong background checks if I managed to sneak in among them. And fighting the Cybermen has really changed me and made me more of a BAMF than I was before in these dreams.

Unfortunately even that kind of training doesn't prepare you for when the Daleks decide to come out of the void. Cybermen vs Daleks was one of the more entertaining things I've seen since they both think they're the dominant species. But luckily with the combined smarts of everyone, especially The Doctor, we manage to save this world but Rose/Jackie/and I have to stay in the parallel universe in order for it to happen. A depressing end to a victory.

I'm truly sorry about you and Rose.




How could I have been so stupid?




I don't care for riddles, but I am a fan of optical illusions. If there is anything on the internet that can distract me for hours, it is websites such as this.




My first date New Years in the states. Going out with a friend, does anyone have suggestions for drinks?




I pulled the babysitting straw, but I don't really mind. I'm still new at the ranch and I'd rather let the bosses have fun. I'm no fan of fireworks.


I hate New Year's Eve. When you approach my age, it becomes more contemplative than joyous. I am still pleased to be alive and well, of course, but it is difficult to not go looking for the ghosts that have preceded me into the dark. Two thousand fourteen - it sounds so far away from when I was born. I suppose it only reminds me that I'm old.




2014, huh? Might be hard to top 2013: I made friends, I got my shit together, I got stronger than I've ever been, and I met the most incredible, beautiful, powerful force of nature in the world...and I married her. 2014, let's see what happens.




As a physicist, this is how I bid farewell to the old year.

I will see all of you in 2014. Happy New Year!




Well, this is what 2014 has to offer us so far: Everything's Better in a Bacon Bowl.

I've been waiting 31 years of my life for this. This crowning achievement of mankind. How did we all live without this ingenious invention?

Good job, Humanity. Let's all drink some whiskey out of bacon bowls, it's got to be better than drinking it out of a glass.




Hello from the future! Sam surprised me with a bloody trip to Paris. And it's been just...

Really it's been exactly what I needed.



Text to Scott

>> SO
>> I can probably sleep somewhere else tonight.
>> Just saying.